Файловый менеджер. Двухпанельный веб-файл менеджер Cloud Commander

Бесплатные программы для управления файлами и их эффективного поиска. Программы наделены встроенными просмотрщиками видео файлов и графики, а также аудио проигрывателем.

Saladin – простой двухпанельный файловый менеджер

Является простым двух панельным файловым менеджером для Windows. Крошечные кнопки справа от каждой панели отображают историю и простой инструмент закладки. Вы можете легко пройти назад по папкам, к которым вы недавно обращались, или добавить текущую папку в список закладок

Double Commander – функциональный файловый менеджер

Двухпанельный файловый менеджер с поддержкой плагинов для расширения функционала и с возможностями тонкой настройки под себя. Менеджер сочетает в себе весь основной функционал популярного и не бесплатного Total Commander, а также поддерживает его плагины, плюс имеет собственные опции для удобной работы.

Unreal Commander – бесплатная замена Total Commander

Мощный двухпанельный файловый менеджер. Основные возможности: двухпанельный интерфейс, поддержка UNICODE, мастер синхронизации каталогов, встроенный вьюер и функция быстрого просмотра изображений и текста, поддержка архивов, встроенный FTP-клиент, фоновое копирование/перенос/удаление.

ViewFD – отличный файловый менеджер

Хороший многофункциональный файловый менеджер. В программу встроены просмотрщики видео файлов и графики, а также аудио проигрыватель. Имеется возможность начальной обработки фотографий. Имеется возможность редактирования таблиц баз данных таких форматов - DBF, DB, TXT, SQL (ADO,BDE).

XYplorerFree – многофункциональный файловый менеджер

Гибрид навигационного и стандартного файловых менеджеров с поддержкой вкладок. Кроме богатых возможностей работы со вкладками XYplorerFree отличается продвинутыми опциями настройки поиска. Быстрый и дружественный браузер картинок, звуков и видео.

MyCO – быстрый файловый менеджер

Компактный файловый менеджер. Среди доступных функций: модуль для быстрого просмотра файлов jpg, png, tif, gif, wdp, bmp, ico, поддержка операций с файлами методом Drag and Drop, безопасное удаление файлов без возможности восстановления, быстрый доступ к избранным папкам, встроенная поддержка архивов ZIP и создание образов ISO.

Nomad.NET – мощный файловый менеджер

Мощный файловый менеджер, написанный с использованием технологии.NET. Он стал наследником файлового менеджера Nomad. Обладает хорошей функциональностью – отличный поисковый механизм с множеством параметров поиска, поддержка многих типов архивов, настройка вида отдельных директорий (фильтры, сортировка) и пр.

Многие знают, что я давно работаю с хостингом BEGET.RU и всем его советую. Сегодня я увидел, что на моём любимом хостинге проводится розыгрыш, главным условием которого было порекомендовать сервис хостинга, написав статью в блоге. Поэтому я решил рассказать о файловом менеджере, разработанном в компании Бегет.

Сначала небольшая справка. Компания ООО «Бегет» - это российский хостинг. Сервера находятся у нас. Раньше это был только Санкт-Петербург, сейчас, насколько я знаю, география расширена. MODX на хостинге работает отлично, а цены порадуют многих. Тем более, что первый месяц использования любого тарифа абсолютно бесплатный.

Те, кого моя рекомендация уже заинтересовала, могут перейти по реферальной ссылке и зарегистрироваться: https://beget.ru/?id=12867 (да, да, работает реферальная система - до 40% от каждой оплаты рефералов перечисляется пригласившему в течение всего срока сотрудничества).

А я пока расскажу о файловом менеджере.

Изначально файловый менеджер был доступен только клиентам хостинга, однако сейчас он выделен в отдельный сервис и любой может установить его на своём сервере.

Файловый менеджер довольно симпатичный. Он двухпанельный, причем работает и Drug&Drop - можно перетаскивать файлы из одной панели в другую

Те, кто знаком с MC или FAR, или Total Commander разберутся с первого взгляда. Управление файлами интуитивно-понятно. Работает контекстное меню по клику правой кнопкой мыши.

Менеджер позволяет распаковывать и запаковывать архивы, так что установка, например, MODX довольно удобная - залил архив и распаковал.

Кроме того, можно менять права на файлы и даже редактировать их. Кстати, угадайте, какой редактор предоставляет SPRUT.io?

Это же наш любимый ACE с автодополнением и настраиваемой подсветкой кода! =))

Это далеко не все преимущества файлового менеджера SPRUT.io. Есть еще и просмотр изображений, возможность подключить внешний FTP-сервер, поиск по папкам и файлам, множественная загрузка файлов и пр.

Все фишки перечислены на официальном сайте, там же есть и инструкция по установке у себя на сервере.

SPRUT.io - это Open Source-проект, исходный код


OneDrive For Business

Google Drive for business

Dropbox Box.NET Zoho Workspace
Price per user From $4 per user
One-time payment.
Lifetime license.NO annual payments
$5 per user/month $4.16 per user/month $12.5 per user/month 12 euro per user/month $2 per user /month Price per 100 users $659 - Standard/$999 - PROOne-time payment.
Lifetime license. NO annual payments
$500 monthly$6000 yearly $416 monthly$4992 yearly $1250 monthly$15000 yearly 1200 monthly14400 euro yearly $200 monthly$2400 yearly Price per 100 usersFor 3 years Without MAJOR upgrade
$659 - Standard/$999 - PROWith one MAJOR version upgrade (with 50% discount):
$988.5 (659+329.5 ) - Standard
$1498.5 (999+499.5 ) - PRO
$18000 $14976 $45000 $43200 $7200 Storage You decide how much space to allocate for users. You manage storage on your servers. 1 TB for all 30 GB per user 2 TB for all Unlimited 30 GB per user Security All data hosted on your own internal servers. Data on third parties servers Data on third parties servers Data on third parties servers Data on third parties servers View & Edit office documents Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Transfer files between other Cloud Storage services Yes.Users can easily transfer files to/from their own Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box.NET accounts. No No No No No WebDAV support Yes Yes No No Yes No

Веб файл менеджер HTTP Commander

HTTP Commander - веб файл менеджер ведет свою историю с 2002 года и используется в стонях образовательных учреждений и компаниях по всему миру. Основное предназначение продукта - это возможность быстро и легко предоставить доступ к файлам и документам, расположенным на Windows сервере, через обычный вэб браузер по протоколу HTTP. Этот продукт - отличная альтернатива FTP, WebDav, Sharepoint и другим серверам. Пользовотели могут работать удаленно с личными или общими папками, редактировать документы хранящиеся на сервере. Они могут работать с домашнего, офисного, учебного компьютера или с мобильного устройства. Всё , что нужно - это только веб браузер!
Продукт разработан для сетей Microsoft и может быть установлен на Windows IIS вэб сервер как самостоятельное приложение или интегрирован в существующий сайт (ASP.NET, PHP, любая CMS). На клиентской стороне поддерживаются все популярные браузеры и операционные системы.
С помощью HTTP Commander вы можете легко предоставить доступ к документам и файлам на вашем сайте для ваших посетителей, организовать скачивание файлов.
HTTP Commander поддерживает как Forms так и Windows аутентификации (Basic или NTLM аутнтификация для пользователей Active Directory).
В августе 2010 года была выпущена полностью переработанная версия AJS 1.0 , получившая название AJS (в связи с активным использованием технологий AJAX и JavaScript). В ноябре 2012 года была выпущена следующая версия AJS 2.0, содержащая множество новых функций.

HTTP Commander is hosted on your own server. You pay for the license only once and there are no recurring payments. You save compared to the cloud services.

Active Directory версия для образовательных учреждений и других организаций

HTTP Commander supports joint work on documents in desktop MS Office . A user, who first opened a document for review, has the ability to save changes. Other users can make changes in the document, but they cannot save their changes until the first user closes the document. Once the document lock is removed (that means that the first user has closed the document), then other users will receive a notification that the document is available for editing. All the changes will be automatically loaded. Thus, no changes will be lost: either made by the first user, or by other users.

Online video and audio files play.

In Version 4 we have improved the function of media files play. The users can watch videos and listen to music without completely downloading them by using the embedded browser’s player. HTTP Commander supports the streaming video and video scroll function. A function of video conversion from different formats is available.

Sharing documents and folders between the users.

2 types of the documents and folders Sharing function is available for the users: internal links to the users, who have profiles in HTTP Commander and public links for the anonymous users (no registration required). From now on, all the users can create their own storages from any folder and allow their friends uploading the documents. Also they can share the documents and allow downloading them to all those, who will receive the public link.

Interaction with cloud storages

HTTP Commander is friendly with such popular cloud storages as Dropbox, Google drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Box. If the users have the account at any of those cloud storage, they can easily move files and folders between HTTP Commander and their own cloud storage. Now you will never forget the necessary files at home – all you need is to store files or pictures from your mobile phone in the cloud, and they will be available at the right time in HTTP Commander application.

Supporting mapping web folders and WebDAV

The users can map folders available in HTTP Commander and further work with them in Windows explorer. Changes in the files are immediately sent to the server. You can edit your documents in the programs that support WebDAV, e.g. MS Office and OpenOffice/Libreoffice.

Many opportunities to upload / download files.

At once the Users can download a plurality of files from their own PC using only a browser. It is possible to specify a whole folder, or use the drag-n-drop function. Now the files size can exceed 2 GB and is practically unlimited. It’s also available to download several files at once. To download multiple folders or nested structure of files there is a zip and download function – automatic archiving of selected folders into zip archive and its subsequent downloading.

Mobile interface for Smartphones and tablets.

HTTP Commander is adapted to work on any device from Smartphones to laptop. Standard interface fully runs on the small screens of Smartphones or tablets. But for the users accustomed to the compact mobile interface, HTTP Commander loads a more compact interface to work with files. Moreover, depending on the device the more familiar CSS style is loaded - for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone devices.

Viewing pictures and online editor

HTTP Commander is very handy to store and manipulate the images. Thumbnails mode is available for the users, it allows quickly finding the right images, even under slow Internet. There is a special browser-based image viewer - slider.

Comments, Labels and Files Details.

The users can write comments and set labels for the files or folders. Such labels and comments are visually clearly visible in the interface to all users. Also the admin may configure the opportunity to set any other metadata for files. Comments and metadata are recorded in NTFS streams files is a built-in technology of Windows File System. Due to that the metadata are not being lost, when moving and copying files, even if it doesn"t occur in HTTP Commander application.

Zip/Unzip compression

The functional compression and unpacking of files and folders is available to the users. Due to that function, you can reduce the size of data held or speed up the loading, in case of a large data transmission by using a slow Internet. Also the zip file is well suited for downloading and uploading the complex nested structure of files and folders.

Multilingual interface.

HTTP Commander offers an interface translated into more than 40 languages. The main languages are translated by man. Less common languages are machine translated. The admin can adjust any localization and change the UserHelp texts, and also add new information to the users.

Integration with Auth0 service

Auth0 is an enterprise-grade platform for modern identity. It provides full stack of authentication, authorization and user management features you ever may need for! With Auth0 you have all user accounts stored in one place and any application can be configured to authenticate with it. Starting from version 4.6 HTTP Commander can be configured to use Auth0 authentication. It is best option if you already use Auth0 in your organisation or if you use your custom database and want to use the same user accounts in HTTP Commander. Read more about it.


99% of our customers recommend us!

"HTTP Commander is a Web Based File Manager which works very well allowing our students and staff access to their files remotely using a web browser. It is surprisingly simple to install and configure and the online documentation is clear and easy to follow."

Wendy Johnson / Network Systems Coordinator, Black Gold Regional Division No. 18

"HTTP Commander is a Web Based File Manager which our school has used successfully for over 8 years providing our students and faculty quick and easy access to their network shares using a web browser. Technical support is excellent and the newest version provides many features including easy file transfer to DropBox. I highly recommend HTTP Commander for use in schools."

Jack Kriss / Frankfurt International School

"HTTP Commander was one of the best folder web file sharing application I could find on the web which works well and installs surprisingly easily. It allows my clients to be able to share folders with external parties with ease of use and setup with full control of access to file through AD security."

Matthew Smit / Director, Guidance Technologies Limited.

OneDrive For Business

Google Drive for business

Dropbox Box.NET Zoho Workspace
Price per user From $4 per user
One-time payment.
Lifetime license.NO annual payments
$5 per user/month $4.16 per user/month $12.5 per user/month 12 euro per user/month $2 per user /month Price per 100 users $659 - Standard/$999 - PROOne-time payment.
Lifetime license. NO annual payments
$500 monthly$6000 yearly $416 monthly$4992 yearly $1250 monthly$15000 yearly 1200 monthly14400 euro yearly $200 monthly$2400 yearly Price per 100 usersFor 3 years Without MAJOR upgrade
$659 - Standard/$999 - PROWith one MAJOR version upgrade (with 50% discount):
$988.5 (659+329.5 ) - Standard
$1498.5 (999+499.5 ) - PRO
$18000 $14976 $45000 $43200 $7200 Storage You decide how much space to allocate for users. You manage storage on your servers. 1 TB for all 30 GB per user 2 TB for all Unlimited 30 GB per user Security All data hosted on your own internal servers. Data on third parties servers Data on third parties servers Data on third parties servers Data on third parties servers View & Edit office documents Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Transfer files between other Cloud Storage services Yes.Users can easily transfer files to/from their own Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box.NET accounts. No No No No No WebDAV support Yes Yes No No Yes No

Web file manager - HTTP Commander

HTTP Commander is a web based file manager

known since 2002 and used by 100 000+ end users. This software is intended for fast and easy integration of web site functionality with sharing and management of files and documents on a Windows server through a web browser over net. It"s a web server-based file sharing and management solution – the best alternative to FTP, WebDav, Sharepoint, etc. Users can work remotely with personal or shared folders and edit documents online stored on the server. Users can work from their home PC, inside their office or class or from a mobile device (with only a web browser required).
It is designed for Microsoft networks and can be used at Windows web server as a standalone application or integrated for any website. It supports all popular browsers and OS at the client side.
With HTTP Commander you can organize downloads at your website and share any documents and files with your visitors.
Web file explorer HTTP Commander support both Forms and Windows authentication (Basic or NTLM authentication for Active Directory users).
HTTP Commander is hosted on your own server. You pay for the license only once and there are no recurring payments. You save compared to the cloud services.

Active Directory version for educational institutions and other organizations

HTTP Commander supports joint work on documents in desktop MS Office . A user, who first opened a document for review, has the ability to save changes. Other users can make changes in the document, but they cannot save their changes until the first user closes the document. Once the document lock is removed (that means that the first user has closed the document), then other users will receive a notification that the document is available for editing. All the changes will be automatically loaded. Thus, no changes will be lost: either made by the first user, or by other users.

Online video and audio files play.

In Version 4 we have improved the function of media files play. The users can watch videos and listen to music without completely downloading them by using the embedded browser’s player. HTTP Commander supports the streaming video and video scroll function. A function of video conversion from different formats is available.

Sharing documents and folders between the users.

2 types of the documents and folders Sharing function is available for the users: internal links to the users, who have profiles in HTTP Commander and public links for the anonymous users (no registration required). From now on, all the users can create their own storages from any folder and allow their friends uploading the documents. Also they can share the documents and allow downloading them to all those, who will receive the public link.

Interaction with cloud storages

HTTP Commander is friendly with such popular cloud storages as Dropbox, Google drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Box. If the users have the account at any of those cloud storage, they can easily move files and folders between HTTP Commander and their own cloud storage. Now you will never forget the necessary files at home – all you need is to store files or pictures from your mobile phone in the cloud, and they will be available at the right time in HTTP Commander application.

Supporting mapping web folders and WebDAV

The users can map folders available in HTTP Commander and further work with them in Windows explorer. Changes in the files are immediately sent to the server. You can edit your documents in the programs that support WebDAV, e.g. MS Office and OpenOffice/Libreoffice.

Many opportunities to upload / download files.

At once the Users can download a plurality of files from their own PC using only a browser. It is possible to specify a whole folder, or use the drag-n-drop function. Now the files size can exceed 2 GB and is practically unlimited. It’s also available to download several files at once. To download multiple folders or nested structure of files there is a zip and download function – automatic archiving of selected folders into zip archive and its subsequent downloading.

Mobile interface for Smartphones and tablets.

HTTP Commander is adapted to work on any device from Smartphones to laptop. Standard interface fully runs on the small screens of Smartphones or tablets. But for the users accustomed to the compact mobile interface, HTTP Commander loads a more compact interface to work with files. Moreover, depending on the device the more familiar CSS style is loaded - for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone devices.

Viewing pictures and online editor

HTTP Commander is very handy to store and manipulate the images. Thumbnails mode is available for the users, it allows quickly finding the right images, even under slow Internet. There is a special browser-based image viewer - slider.

Comments, Labels and Files Details.

The users can write comments and set labels for the files or folders. Such labels and comments are visually clearly visible in the interface to all users. Also the admin may configure the opportunity to set any other metadata for files. Comments and metadata are recorded in NTFS streams files is a built-in technology of Windows File System. Due to that the metadata are not being lost, when moving and copying files, even if it doesn"t occur in HTTP Commander application.

Zip/Unzip compression

The functional compression and unpacking of files and folders is available to the users. Due to that function, you can reduce the size of data held or speed up the loading, in case of a large data transmission by using a slow Internet. Also the zip file is well suited for downloading and uploading the complex nested structure of files and folders.

Multilingual interface.

HTTP Commander offers an interface translated into more than 40 languages. The main languages are translated by man. Less common languages are machine translated. The admin can adjust any localization and change the UserHelp texts, and also add new information to the users.

Integration with Auth0 service

Auth0 is an enterprise-grade platform for modern identity. It provides full stack of authentication, authorization and user management features you ever may need for! With Auth0 you have all user accounts stored in one place and any application can be configured to authenticate with it. Starting from version 4.6 HTTP Commander can be configured to use Auth0 authentication. It is best option if you already use Auth0 in your organisation or if you use your custom database and want to use the same user accounts in HTTP Commander. Read more about it.


99% of our customers recommend us!

"HTTP Commander is a Web Based File Manager which works very well allowing our students and staff access to their files remotely using a web browser. It is surprisingly simple to install and configure and the online documentation is clear and easy to follow."

Wendy Johnson / Network Systems Coordinator, Black Gold Regional Division No. 18

"HTTP Commander is a Web Based File Manager which our school has used successfully for over 8 years providing our students and faculty quick and easy access to their network shares using a web browser. Technical support is excellent and the newest version provides many features including easy file transfer to DropBox. I highly recommend HTTP Commander for use in schools."

Jack Kriss / Frankfurt International School

"HTTP Commander was one of the best folder web file sharing application I could find on the web which works well and installs surprisingly easily. It allows my clients to be able to share folders with external parties with ease of use and setup with full control of access to file through AD security."

Matthew Smit / Director, Guidance Technologies Limited.

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